List of Drugs by ‘HUMAN OTC DRUG’ Type (Page 14 E)

Below you will find an alphabetical list of the drugs within the HUMAN OTC DRUG category of pharmaceuticals. Select the drug you would like to view. Once selected, you will proceed to the drug page, including details on the drug.


NON LETTER | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Pharmaceutical Manufacturer / LabelerDrug Name
Energetix CorpAgri-Chord
Energetix CorpAller-Chord A
Energetix CorpAller-Chord F
Energetix CorpAller-Chord Food
Energetix CorpAmoeba-Chord
Energetix CorpBacteria Chord
Energetix CorpBacteria-Chord
Energetix CorpCirculopath
Energetix CorpColo-Chord
Energetix CorpCV-Tone
Energetix CorpDental-Chord
Energetix CorpDrainage-Tone
Energetix CorpEndocrinpath
Energetix CorpEndopath-F
Energetix CorpEndopath-M
Energetix CorpFields of Flowers
Energetix CorpFlu-Tone
Energetix CorpGB-Tone
Energetix CorpGyne-Chord
Energetix CorpHepata-Chord
Energetix CorpHepatic-Tone
Energetix CorpHypothalmapath
Energetix CorpHZ-Chord
Energetix CorpInflamma-Tone
Energetix CorpIsopathic Phenolic Rings
Energetix CorpKidney-Tone
Energetix CorpLipo-Chord
Energetix CorpLymph Tone
Energetix CorpLymph-Tone
Energetix CorpLymph-Tone III
Energetix CorpMedi-Chord
Energetix CorpMetabopath
Energetix CorpMetal-Chord
Energetix CorpMycoCan-Chord
Energetix CorpNeuro-Chord
Energetix CorpPara-Chord
Energetix CorpPhytoGel
Energetix CorpReHydration
Energetix CorpRelax-Tone
Energetix CorpRelief-Tone
Energetix CorpRena-Chord
Energetix CorpRenapath
Energetix CorpRescue Calm
Energetix CorpSinus Tone
Energetix CorpSinus-Tone
Energetix CorpThroat-Spray Tone
Energetix CorpThyro-Chord
Energetix CorpThyropath
Energetix CorpTox-Chord
Energetix CorpVac-Chord
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